Welcome to Track-AI.Pro

Tracking Human-AI Collaboration Proficiency

About Track-AI.Pro

Organizations are increasingly integrating AI technologies into their workflows, which introduces new challenges in tracking and measuring employees’ proficiency in working with AI solutions. Traditional skills assessments focus on technical or human teamwork skills, neglecting the new aspects of human-AI collaboration. This oversight prevents organizations from understanding their employees’ capacity to effectively integrate AI, leading to poor decision-making, an underperforming workforce, skill mismatches, misalignment of team goals, missed innovation opportunities, and ultimately a loss of competitive edge. For example, organizations might make misguided HR recruitment decisions due to a lack of proficiency in effectively working with AI tools. Hence, there is a need to track these proficiencies and provide training where needed to stay competitive and avoid falling behind.

Our Services

1. Assessment across five proficiencies (Technical, Cognitive, Embodied, Semiotic, and Creative).

2. Personalized training recommendations.

3. Progress tracking.

4. Certification and recognition.

Key Benefits to Customers

Enhanced Performance​

Employees gain proficiency in working with AI, leading to more efficient workflows, processes, and better decision-making.

Boosted Innovation

AI collaboration fosters innovative thinking, allowing employees to explore new ideas and solutions.

New Mental Models

Employees develop new mindsets and thought patterns that help them embrace and adapt to new challenges.

Marketability and Professional Growth

Digital badges and certifications from Track-AI.Pro enhance employees’ resumes and professional profiles.

The Science Behind Track-AI.Pro

The platform is founded on experiments conducted by the founder on human-AI collaboration across various tasks. The research encompasses the concept of self-efficacy, extensively documented in the literature (Gist and Mitchell, 1992), and introduces a new concept called co-efficacy. Co-efficacy emphasizes the collaborative potential between humans and AI, fostering a synergistic partnership that enhances performance and innovation. In the age of Gen-AI, co-efficacy is particularly relevant as it enables individuals to effectively leverage AI’s capabilities, boosting confidence and competence in tackling complex tasks.

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