Cognitive Proficiency / Orientation Assessment

1.a Please enter your name:

1.b Please enter your email address:

1.c Age: Please enter your age:

1.d Gender:

2. Please select your highest level of education completed:

3. Please enter your role:

4. Please enter your department:

5. Years of experience: How many years of professional experience do you have?

Please answer the following questions using a 1–5 scale, where 1 represents ‘not at all’ and 5 represents ‘the highest’.

6. Scale of Use:

How often do you use a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, to complete a task at your work?

7. Scale of Trust:

a. How willing are you to actively collaborate with a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, to complete a task at your work?

b. How comfortable are you relying on the contributions of a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, in collaborative efforts without constant monitoring?

c. How open are you to accepting the actions and decisions proposed by a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4, during the collaboration process?

d. How at ease do you feel about being exposed to potential risks or vulnerabilities that may arise from jointly collaborating with a generative AI tool, such as GPT-4?

7. Self-Efficacy:

Self-efficacy measures the beleif in your own abilities to complete your tasks at work.

How confident are you in your ability to complete your tasks at work?

8. Co-Efficacy:

Co-efficacy measures the beleif in your combined ability with AI to to complete your tasks at work.

How confident are you in your joint abilities with AI tools to complete your tasks at work?

9. How often do you learn new skills or techniques by observing how AI tools perform tasks?

10. How often do AI tools provide feedback that enhances your confidence in completing tasks?

11. How effective are AI tools in helping you understand the requirements of complex tasks at work?

12. How effective are AI tools in helping you understand the needed resources to complete tasks at work?

13. How effective are AI tools in enhancing your prudctivity at work?

14. How effective are AI tools in enhancing the quality of your work?

15. How effective are AI tools in enhancing your overall job satisfaction?

16. How effective are AI tools in enhancing your work-life balance?

17. How effective are AI tools in enhancing team performance?

18. To what extent are you concerned about AI tools potentially replacing human jobs in your workplace?

19. To what extent are you concerned that AI tools might change your job role or tasks?

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